Monday, August 21, 2006

And We're Off!

Tomorrow morning we're leaving bright and early for a wonderful 10 days at our cottage. I'm so excited! We've never stayed that long at one time before. Moses is joining the pack, they both have their bags packed. How can 2 dogs have so much stuff?

On another note, through the wonder of googling I've become reacquainted with a girl I used to babysit in Hawaii. She was about 9 years old then and lived with her dad. They were a great pair and I loved living with them. Her dad was a Navy Psychiatrist. She's married now and has 2 girls of her own and is a professional photographer and was excited to hear from me. I don't know where the years have gone but it's nice to see people again even just in pictures.

Here's a shout out to my good friend Barb, hope all goes well and know that we're praying for you.

Take care blog land, peace out.

1 comment:

onedayatatime said...

That is SO cool about reconnecting with the gal you used to babysit! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing time at the cabin :) Thanks for the shout out...LOL!