Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yesterday I needed to fuel up the bus before starting my shift. We fuel up at the card lock at the end of the road. It isn't a regular gas station but there is a regular gas pump for cars if you use your credit card. Otherwise it's just buses and trucks and a lot of semi's.

I was the only person there fueling up, it's quiet there in the morning. Along came a SUV and the driver pulls in behind me and tries to go sideways so he can get as close as he can to the pump behind me. Duh. He gets out of his vehicle and says "You can move up?" I say, "no, I'm in the middle of getting fuel".

Once again, "you can move a little? I can't reach the pump"

I say, "No, I'm in the middle of fueling, go the other side". I point to the whole empty side. He says, "My gas tank is on my side" Me? "Turn your car around".

So he harumphs and gets in his car, backs it up and then pulls in facing the same direction on the other side of the pump. Rocket Scientist he's not.

He jumps out, point to his gas tank on his side of the car and points to the gas pump like I'm stupid and says "See? it's on the wrong side!"

I'm still pumping by the way, it's a bus, it takes awhile.

He gets in his car and drives off. He couldn't figure out how to pull his car around so that his tank was on the right side.

Made me laugh all day.

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