Monday, July 12, 2010

oops, i did it again!

and it hurts.............a lot

so there I was minding my own business on Tuesday morning. I pulled up in front of a client's brand spankin' new apartment building, lowered the step, put my foot on the ground and BAM! i went down...............nothing to brace my fall so I fell with all my weight (ahem) on my left shoulder and crumpled up in a ball afterwards.

I had the very best of clients, someone who spoke English as a first language (Not always the case in my job) and someone who was able to call for help immediately (had their wits about them).

I got a ride in an ambulance! And i got gas! The kind you suck in and it makes you happy and makes you forget about the excruciating pain you're in! And it makes you talk funny! Like you've been sucking helium balloons!

Chris met me at the Trauma unit and was able to be with me in and out of the x-ray dept, the trauma unit, the waiting, the more waiting, the, 'i can't believe i did this' waiting, she ate my lunch while waiting................

Finally the diagnosis:

I have a torn rotator cuff.

And it hurts.

A lot.

Lots of ice. Morphine. tylenol 3.

More ice. More drugs. it's all good in the hood.

But it hurts.

Did i say a lot?

cuz i meant it.

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