I grew up in a very conservative Christian home. Lots of going to church, no movies, no dancing, no playing cards, no television, no no no. Lots of family times, Bible reading and a LOT of Scripture memorization. We actually had family Bible drills. My brother John always won, the big lug.
I was great at memorizing Scripture...I have tons of it tucked away in the deep recesses of my brain and at times can bring them out actually at the right moment. Sometimes they just stay tucked away and later I think....hmmmm, could've used that one!
When I can't sleep at night I play a game I've played since childhood I call ABC Scripture. You get the idea...
As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longs for thee oh God,
Be still and know that I am God,
Create in me a clean heart...and so on until I fall asleep. Sometimes if I get through the whole alphabet on Scripture I play ABC Hymns...
Last night I couldn't sleep so I went to my usually foolproof way of going to sleep. HOWEVER things took a turn downhill when all I could think of was the song from the Addams family...
They're crazy and they're kooky
They're altogether oooky..........
Not good~no wonder I had such a crummy sleep!