Monday, November 09, 2009

Kit the Tool Man

It's been 6 years since my buddy Kit passed away. He was a dear friend and I still miss him.

Kit taught me many life lessons. For a guy who couldn't speak he had a lot to say. Kit wasn't afraid to be who he was, whom God created him to be. He accepted it and made the most of it.

Kit was a prayer warrior. Kit didn't just quietly bow his head and sniff a quiet Amen, he looked up to the heavens and raised his arms and commanded God to listen to him with his gestures.

Kit was an evangelist. He couldn't go past the cemetary without 'explaining' how to accept the Lord into your heart. It was a really very simple message he gave and the message has never changed. He got it.

Kit was a friend to all. It didn't matter who the person was. If they looked like they needed a friend Kit would take them by the hand, hold it to his heart and voila! a new friendship was born.

Kit was a charmer. When he met my mom the first time he took her hand and kissed her wedding rings and laughed. Then he gave her a giant hug and after that they were the best of friends.

Kit was a worker. His daily tasks around the home where he lived were to check on things that that didn't work that might need fixing, things that worked fine that still might need fixing, and to wait for the people who came to work at the home so he could instruct them as to what was current on his 'to do' list.

Kit was a wonderful son and brother. He loved his family dearly. He was a dedicated Christian, a loyal friend and a true man of God.

Here's to you Bud. I miss you.

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