Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BB is in hospital after suffering a fall last week. She has a fractured pelvis (in 2 places) so we are at a loss right now as to what will happen next. The only thing we know for sure is that she cannot live alone any longer.

Life has changed for her. No more independance. I pray that this time of her life will be less painful for her than she imagined. She has always dreaded this day. The day when she could no longer get up and get herself a cup of coffee.

BB you fought a good fight, the battle isn't over yet and the victory isn't yours. Not yet.

1 comment:

Emily Sargate said...

That is very... moving. And sad. We all dread the day where we know we have lost a great portion of our independance, and our ability to fend for ourselves. I wish you the best of luck.