Ok, I left blogspot because I couldn't work the photo thing...went to msn for awhile. A couple of days ago my blog there went caflooeeyy (I'm sure that's a word) so I'm deleting that one and here I am again. Arrrrgghhhh
August 01
Bad Betty Turns 80
When Chris and I first got together we were discussing parents. Not sure how it all came about but right from day one Chris has called my mom "Bad Betty" even before they even met. From the beginning they have gotten along famously. Chris refers to her as "my mother-in-law" and my mom calls her "Chris, Joan her friend". She always gets her sentences backwards, speaking English as a second language of course is her excuse. I'm not sure what mine is...
Anyways my mom turned 80 on the weekend. She's in great shape, still power walks around the neighborhood, drives her car around lamp posts, and talks to inanimate objects. Sharp as a tack too. We had a nice dinner in Delta and a good time was had by all. My brother and the marmot came from Kamloops, Paul's kids from the island, my niece and great-niece from Vancouver and of course the Surrey girls.
I wish we had taken the digital camera so I could put the great niece Alaia's photo up. What a doll! She wore the muumuu we brought home from Hawaii, it fits her perfectly. The grandchild had a photo of themselves taken at White Rock beach and framed for their Oma. What an awesome gift!
My mom never goes near computers so she'll never read this but,....happy birthday anyways Mom. You look good for 80!
My Left FootSo after a busy week of work, I'm at Handy DART looking at my manifest for Saturday, going downstairs at the same time...not a good idea. I miss the bottom step and WHAM! I'm sprawled in the lobby of Handy DART, how's that for graceful? Not!
Fortunately for me I hadn't driven my car to work (standard) and Chris was picking me up to go to Diana's to celebrate her selling the big house. We made a little trip to the Hospital en route...no broken bones, just one big fat swollen black and blue mess, ouch!
Diana loaned me her crutches but I'm not coordinated enough to work them so instead of pitching forward or falling on my a**backwards I'm using Chris's cane instead. Good thing my friends have had 'incidents' themselves and have all this medical equipment around!
Anyways...we did go to Diana's afterwards and opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Looks like I'll be off my feet for a few days.
Have a great weekend!
Yesterday and Today
Ten years ago: July 24, 1996
I was working at Image Media Services downtown Vancouver and getting ready to buy my first condo. I had just gotten my little dog Sunshine in June and was looking forward to moving to my own place with her in September.
I only was in contact with 1 member of my family at that time, my brother Ralph.
Five years ago: July 24, 2001
My job with Image Media ended and I had my nervous breakdown in 1997 which led to almost 2 years of unemployment and eventually bankruptcy that same year. I lost my condo and Sunshine died in November, 2000. Those were tough years.
I started working in August at Bethesda working with people with disabilities and discovered something new about myself, that I really enjoyed - I like to work with disabled people!
My brother John had come back into my life and we got to be good friends. We started hanging out together and he was always around to help me with car troubles and offering to change the oil in my car 'in exchange for food', i.e. ' can ya cook me dinner?' Good times. My mom had gotten remarried and turned back into a human being and we re-established our relationship.
I had gotten a new whippet - Flannigen! What a joy. Handsome too.
One year ago: July 24, 2005
I had applied to Handy DART for a bus driving job and they had just called me for an interview. I got hired the same day and had to give 2 weeks notice to Bethesda and gave up my full-time position. I now had 2 part-time jobs, how to coordinate both? hmmm, still working on that one!
I'm living with Chris, my partner of 2 and half years in Surrey with our dog Maggie. Flannigen died in '04, (I still cry sometimes) and my brother John of VW fame died in December '04.
Yesterday: July 23, 2006
I drove Handy DART all day in very HOT weather.
Today: July 24, 2006
Same thing as yesterday, got called at 6:15 am for a shift starting at 7:00.
Tomorrow: July 25, 2006
Who knows?
Home AgainSaturday I took the bus up to 100 Mile House. It was a pleasant ride, the scenery is beautiful especially when you're sitting on the front seat and can look out the big window. The bus driver was my age and we chatted all the way to Cache Creek where we had a break and switched drivers. The new driver never said a peep.
I spent a quiet weekend with Chris and Maggie enjoying long walks around the 'hood' of Deka Lake. Maggie went for a swim on Sunday night, what a happy dog!
We came home last night to hear the news that the Big House has been sold! Diana is now a millionaire for real...well the cheque isn't in the bank yet but the papers are signed so as of October 1 she's without a home but a whole lot richer.
I went to see Shima, Jennifer's new dog. She's beautiful. Maggie acted like a ninny and welcomed her by barking her face off. Then they settled down and crawled under their mom's chairs respectfully. Dogs...go figure. Just like teenage girls.
Hope to work a lot this week...Mother's 80th Birthday is coming up.
That's all for now...until next week...blog on, peace out.