Monday, August 14, 2006

Cottage in the Winter

This is a photo taken of our cottage last winter. It's so peaceful up there with snow laying around. You can almost hear the stillness. It's a quiet, serene place for us to go and hang out as a family. Maggie loves it there so much and enjoys hours of playing catch with a tennis ball.

We're still fixing things up inside but it's coming along. We haven't done too much to the outside other than create a rock wall by the front entrance. I've been working on the other 2 rock gardens and want to build an arbor to go on the pathway in between. In the future I'd like to have benches and seats on the property just for quiet times.

We bought the lot next to us as well though it's all treed. I'd like to create some pathways through there.

Lots to do but we can see so much potential and find it rewarding looking at what we've already accomplished.

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