Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And We're Off!

See this little ole boat? That's where I'll be on Saturday night. Pray for me. I get lost easily.

We're flying to San Diego and spending a couple of days hanging out, sightseeing and eating out, should be fun.

THEN we're cruising! Us! We have no formal cruising clothes so we're scrubbing our ears as best as we can and combing our hair and stunning them with our charming personalities. It's all we can do really. Think it will work?

See you all next week. With pictures.


barb said...

Have a totally awesome time!!!!! We'll have to get together for our birthdays, when you get back ;) Drink a margarita for me :)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Ya'll have a GREAT time. Scrub them ears good. v