Sunday, January 20, 2008

How Did I Miss This???

My lack of motivation is legendary. It's very easy for me to procrastinate... anything, everything. It's so easy for me to keep putting off losing weight, cleaning house, pet care, laundry, you name it, I am the Queen of denial. But I'm the first to admit it! I would much rather read blogs, watch TV, bury my head in the sand on any self improvement projects.

But this year it's going to be different. Really it is. I hope it will be. I need to lose some weight, how on earth did I ever get to be this big? Must've happened while I was sleeping. No other reason.

Here's to a new year and new goals. Hopefully by next year I will have lost at least 25 lbs, got my eyes checked, my teeth fixed, the spare room cleaned and paired up my black socks which is a never ending project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"bury my head in the sand of self improvement projects" I like that. Kudos to the list and effort. Good luck. I am so starved for affirmation that I'll make lists that I know I'll be able to fulfil just so I can pat myself on the back. So how about adding these to your list: go to work 5/7 of the time; pet Maggie while watching tv,... stuff like that. It's great for the self esteem. :-)))