Sunday, January 06, 2008

On New Year's Day we went to our friends house to watch the BIG GAME between Hawaii Warriors and Georgia Something or others....I'm not a football fan at all but when it comes to Hawaii...well that's another story. You see, when I was there the last Saturday was a huge game night when Hawaii won a spot to the Sugar Bowl, being undefeated 12-0, a never before won victory in the history of UH Football.

Anyways...we made a party of it......brought leis for everyone, Mai Tais all around, Macadamia Nuts...a good time was had by all despite beaten to a pulp by the Southern boys. Boys, what a wampin' (Is that a word?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hawaii has a football team??? I never knew. Are the cheerleaders hula dancers? :) v
ps do you get the occasional email that I send to Chris's address?