Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Birthday "Little B's " and Canada!!!

Today is Benson and Bailey's second Birthday! Our Vet has always referred to them as the "Little B's"...the little darlings. They continue to bless our lives with their crazy antics and charming personalities. They are as different as day and night but still very much brothers.

Bailey loves Maggie, Benson can't stand her. Bailey kisses her and snuggles up beside her. Benson gives her 'the paw.'

Bailey loves company. Benson runs and hides in the closet until the coast is clear.

Bailey wants to know what's going on at all times in his home. Benson gives a yawn and goes back to sleep.

Bailey likes to play sock baseball. This is a game where he dodges socks being hurled at him at break neck speed fresh out of the dryer. Benson likes to help with laundry by laying on top of warm sheets out of the dryer.

Bailey loves Becky. Becky loves Bailey. It's all good until Benson takes a swat at her. Hence, Benson doesn't love Becky.

Bailey is ho hum about treats. Benson meows until his cupboard is opened and his treat is dispensed. He particularly likes "stoner Sundays" when the catnip comes out and he gets 'oh so mellow man, like, wow'...kinda like he was around in the 60's.

Bailey chases little toy mice, Benson baptizes them in the toilet. They're quite the Evangelists.

They're great cats and a joy to have in our home. They keep the neighborhood safe by watching everything from the upstairs window. They slay all the monsters in the backyard by staring at them for hours.

Happy Birthday Boys!!! We love you!!! We love you too Canada!!!


barb said...

Awwwwwww..........they are SO cute! It's awesome they they both have their own personalities ;)

Anonymous said...

Very cute kitties. I live with 4 cats and they are completely different but all fun in their own way.

Anonymous said...

I love these descriptions, especially the Stoner Sunday one. Wow, that was clever. Hope your B's had a great birthday.