Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sometimes I feel like Maxine. Ever have one of those days? You beat your head against the wall over and over and over again and still all you can think of is, gee it feels so good when I stop!

Today was one of those days. It just seemed like I was beating my head against a wall at work today. I drove and drove and drove non-stop without a break until I couldn't stand it anymore and apologized to my client while I ran into her washroom at the place I was picking her up at. Not good. But had to be done.

AND THEN...the icing on the cake was that my last client of the evening...oh let's call him KK told his nurses that I had left him behind at the Hospital on Friday night and he waited until 1:00 am for a taxi ride home. What a blatent lie. An absolute lie. Not only didn't I leave him behind I waited 50 minutes for him and drove him home. I was absolutely livid when I heard what he had said. He's lied before about drivers and I've played his little wait and see game but tonight was it.

I think the next time I have to drive him home I might just hit one pot hole too many. Yup, in fact there are a lot of pot holes coming his way. hmmmm, I see a whole bunch of pot holes in his future...ok enough already.

I just had to vent. About KK and the pot holes. I'm ok now. It just really upset me because I'm the one who sits and waits for him 3 nights a week. And he made up a story about me and that bugs me.


barb said...

You have EVERY right to vent ;) I hope you feel better now :)

Anonymous said...

I would be livid too. I'd sure ask him about it next time I see him. "Yo KK, did I ever mention the killing side of myself? When people lie, I kill 'em. Two chances and then they're toast. Don't be next KK."

Seriously, I too would be very angry.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would be angry too. I had a very similar experience once when I was a social worker. I had to transport a kid from one institution to another one and he went there and told the admitting nurse that I made him wait out on the streets for over an hour.

They called me on it and fortunately I knew the nurse that was with him when I picked him up. She called down there and said that she was with him and didn't go back inside until he was in my car with his seat belt on. Needless to say I learned to always note the names of the people I claimed custody from and times. Saved a lot of heartache in the end.

I never said anything to him, but boy that night when I got home....such language would make a sailor blush. So vent away, I understand what you are saying.