Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've been thinking long and hard about a subject close to my heart. This post could be called "Coming out of the Closet" or "You always wondered, here's the answer" or "Be still my beating gay heart" or something along those lines. No matter what it's called the content is the same.
I've 'borrowed' some ideas from a blogger friend that I admire and respect for her writings and opinions and they've given me the platform I need to write my own thoughts.

So...........away we go! Hang on to your hats!

Some common misconceptions I'd like to clear up:

1. I made a choice to be gay.

Here's a question to my straight friends - when did you make a choice to be straight? I don't believe anyone ever chooses to be the sexual being that they are born to be. What God created me to be, that's what I am. I could live the rest of my life without intimacy with a man and never miss it but to not have the affection of another woman, that I cannot do without. I didn’t choose my orientation, I choose how I live my life.

2. All gay people were sexually abused.

Gay people are sexually abused the same way straight people are abused. Abuse is abuse and really has little to do with your sexual orientation.

3. Gay people recruit children.

No, pedophiles go after children. I am gay, not a pedophile.

4. Lesbians hate men.

I don’t hate men. I had a great dad and I had a great brother. Just because I don’t want to sleep with men doesn’t mean I hate them. I don’t want to sleep with my female friends either, but I like them just fine. I recognize that some lesbians do have a hate-on for men but I'm not one of them.

5. All gay people are promiscuous.

That is like saying all heterosexuals are monogamous. Are there gay sluts? Sure, but there are also straight sluts too. The majority of people I know (gay or straight) are in or looking for that special life-long partnership.

6. Gay Christians do not exist.

I am here and there are lots more gay Christians out there. We exist. I’m sorry if there are people out there who feel they have the right to judge my relationship with God. I try to not judge anyone else and I would hope that people would show me the same respect.

7. Gay people are a threat to society and marriage.

Not really. My relationship is one like a marriage. Together we work, we pay taxes, We're law abiding citizens. We give back to our community. We're church attenders. We really lead a quiet boring life, we have a peaceful home. We're stable, hard-working individuals who believe we should have the same rights as everyone else. Your marriage is no weaker or stronger if I am allowed to marry. Your marriage is between you and your spouse, I have nothing to do with it. My morals and values depend on me. Your values are totally dependent on you.

8. If gay marriages are allowed then people will want to marry their computer or their dog.

This is hardly worth the time of an answer but........ok, show me a computer or animal that can read, understand, and sign a LEGAL document, then that argument will hold weight for me. Until then, marriage is between two consenting, ADULT people.

9. Gay people are weird.

Where I live there are lots of weird people. But I am no weirder than my next door neighbor. Everyone is different and everyone has their place.

10. There is a gay lifestyle.

My lifestyle includes wanting to live my life following Jesus, to be a good person and wanting to love my partner with everything I am. Sounds pretty normal to me.

And that was all she wrote.


Anonymous said...

You are very brave and courageous. I admire that. v

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl. I'm proud of you.