Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gotta Love Maxine, she always knows what to say.

Today was declared an Official Snow Day meaning we only pick up people for essential services. Except it didn't really snow that much and it was all rain by this afternoon. But all of my trips were cancelled so I partnered up with my buddy Barb and we did a total of 3 trips for the whole day. wow. Aren't we something special! And they were all in wheelchairs!

Now we're waiting to see if we get paid for the whole day because the new peeps in charge don't know about snow days being from them there united states of america where apparently this NEVER HAPPENS. Right. They've never seen snow before. Sooooooooo.....things are moving along swimmingly.

But it's all good and as long as I collect a paycheque I'm happy. 2 of my colleagues told me this morning they never got paid at all last pay period and are still waiting for someone to cut them a cheque! We got paid last Friday and they're still waiting? Yikes! Kinda scary people.

That's my beef for today. I'm happy now that I got that off my chest.

Peace out cub scout.

1 comment:

Valerie Dykstra said...

I DO NOT like the idea of working for free. And I especially don't like the idea of Gordon working for free. I sure hope nothing like what happened to your co-workers happens to you. That would not be cool.

Thanks for leaving a note for Deborah and me. She'll be thrilled.