Monday, March 02, 2009

I Been Churchified

Yesterday was the day for all things churchy. In the morning we went to witness my friend Christine get baptized in the Baptist church, the full dunk kind. Christine and I have been friends for many years and this was a big step for her. She's more like how I used to be. I'm not sure if that's bad or good but going back to the Baptist church made me so much more aware of how my view of God has changed over the years. I'd forgotten just how much guilt gets heaped in an everyday sermon. Whew! I was glad that was over, especially when the Pastor started talking about the church finances being $14,000 in the hole and they were going to be looking for where the 'sin was in the church'. Oh my.

I guess it's been awhile since I've been in a guilt-ridden church, you know, attending the one we do now is really low on guilt so I'd forgotten just how much of a worm I am.

Then, last night we went to church AGAIN but this time back to the church where it all began for Chris and I as a couple. It was nice to see our old buds again and enjoy worshipping with them. The Pastor and I go back many many years to a ministry team in a Pentecostal church. He lost his credentials with the denomination when they found out his roommate meant more to him than just someone who helped pay the rent. After reconciling his faith with his sexuality and more years of ministry at other GLBT churches he began this one. I reconnected with him there and met Chris.

It's all been such a journey for all of us. From the guilt ridden conservative church to the liberal "anything goes" church. In between a healing balm for restoration of soul and spirit. It's all part of the journey.

Won't it be great when we get to heaven and we're accepted into His Kingdom just as we are? There sure will be some surprises. For everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heaven is going to be an interesting place, for sure. I'm guessing for the first couple hundred years we'll have our mouths gaping open and thinking, "You've gotta be kidding, he's here?" or "Hey, where's ___? You mean she's not here?"

Seriously I think we've all got a lot of baggage and it will be interesting to see how it get sorted out by the Great Sorter. One thing for sure, I know he's just and kind both. For that I'll be eternally grateful, eh?