Sunday, January 07, 2007


1 year ago today Chris had the difficult decision to put down her beloved cat Bryce. He had been her cat for 9 years and they 'belonged together'. She always called him her rock. He was loyal and faithful and had a big attitude. I had never lived with a cat before and Bryce won me over to his kingdom.

Chris always talked for Bryce, like she knew exactly what he was thinking. His favorite word was 'dammit'. After he died we thought we might name our next cat Dammit. You know, "Dammit, get down right now". "Dammit, you're late again", it goes on and on.

We didn't but we thought about and laughed about it lots, knowing that Bryce would definitely approve.

We've been blessed with 2 little bundles of joy since but today we take a moment and remember Bryce, the handsomest man cat. Here's to you bud, dammit!

1 comment:

onedayatatime said...

He was such a funny cat! LOL! I loved hang'n with him when I came over. I just remember how he always seemed to be on the kitchen table...LOL!