Thursday, February 28, 2008

And the winner is?

There were 2 things I desired to do this year to make changes in my life. The first was my spiritual health. It's been quite some time since I've been committed to one church. The excuses are obvious of course. Working shift work for 8 years is one of them and that included working a LOT of Sundays. But I'm not working Sundays anymore so I've become more regular in my church attendance and that's a good thing. It's much easier to sleep in on a Sunday morning (because after all don't we deserve it?) and going to the restaurant down the street and eating a nice big brunch. It's very easy for me to give in and do the things that give me the most 'bang for my buck'. But I've decided to do the things that maybe aren't so comfortable and go for it this year.

The other change I need to make is my physical health. Since 2000 the lbs have steadily come on. Again, obvious reasons. I quit smoking and boom! overnight there came the poundage. When you don't keep your hands and mouth busy with a cigarette you fill it with food. Gotta fill it with something right?

We joined WW again and I find it easier to make a committment to losing weight when there is accountability. Not only the $$$ every week but also group support.

I really need to stay focussed this year. It's for my health and for my well-being.


Barb Stingl said...

WOW! Good for you!!!!! I'm SO proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl. Go to church and go to WW. Be sure to use the big entrance. hehe v