Monday, June 02, 2008

My friend WD is home from the hospital. After another major seizure kept him longer than expected, he's on the mend! I'm so thankful to God for this miracle. WD continues to bless my life in ways that few people understand.

A WD story.

One Sunday when I still worked in the home where he lives it was my turn to take 'the guys' to church. They attend Joy Fellowship, a wonderful church FOR people with disabilities. On any given Sunday there are at least 4 song leaders, 12 ushers, countless greeters, there is never a lack of volunteers at JF.

This Sunday happened to be Communion. JF celebrates all the sacraments of the church with due reverence and respect.

I got to share communion with WD. When I got back to the Home I was challenged by another staff member who said, 'you can't serve communion to him, you don't know if he's really born again.' Excuse me?

Nobody can tell me that people with disabilities aren't born again just because they're non-verbal, blind, deaf, whatever. Who cares? Jesus doesn't, that's for sure. Didn't He come to bring salvation to 'the least of these'?

WD shares his heart with me by his smile, by his soft gentle touch holding my hand, by kissing my hand for the very first time, is that not the heart of Christ Jesus? That we feel his gentle touch?

I know when I get to heaven there are going to be all kinds of people rejoicing around the throne with me that I loved at JF. It's almost a year now since Joy passed away, then sweet Jackie of JF passed away suddenly. Kit will be there hammering the legs on something. There will be sweet music sung by people that on earth could never be heard.

I know WD will be kickin' up his legs and dancing with Jesus.

So ends my sermon for the day.............all's good in the hood.


barb said...

I agree with you 100% Joan! What a beautiful "tribute" to WD. I'm looking forward to seeing all of our special friends when I get to Heaven. I'm sre Kit will be one of the first people to greet me when I get there...hammer in one hand, coffee in the other, wearing his tool belt and orange vest :)

Anonymous said...

and, they'll all be so whole and healthy and happier than ever. v