Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today marks 18 years since my dad passed away. When I think about all the things that have happened since that time I can hardly believe it. My dad never got to see some of the highlights of my life and that makes me feel sad.

Life goes on and sometimes the hurt of losing someone comes rushing back. Grief hits me in waves. It's been a long time now and I don't often cry anymore but every once in awhile tears well up when I'm reminded of a story, a song, something that reminds me of him.

We all need to hold the ones close to us that we love. Tell them that you love them often. My dad always told me how much he loved me. I grew up thinking that all kids had dads like mine. I know now how wrong I was but it makes me appreciate him more.

God bless all the dads in the world. I hope kids everywhere are blessed with one like mine. He was a great one.

1 comment:

Valerie Dykstra said...

That's beautiful. I'm beginning to think more people didn't have good fathers than those who did. I'm glad you had a good one. v