Sunday, February 08, 2009

When Good Things Happen.............

Awhile ago (I think I wrote about it) a client called my boss and told her how pleasant her ride home with me had been that afternoon. I got called into the office thinking I was in trouble only to be commended. What a nice thing to do and I never got a chance to thank the client.

Last week I picked her up for the first time since the commendation. There she was, standing outside her place, ready to go, suitcase in hand. I jumped out of my bus and said, "well, where are you off to with that suitcase?"

She was taking a one way trip to the drop-off place for the shuttle bus to Seattle because guess what? Her friend had called her at Christmas and told her to pack her bag in January because they were going to Hawaii for a week! Her friend had won 'a boat load of money' and wanted to do something nice for my client.

My client was in tears........she has a brain tumour and has suffered a lot of pain, loss of income, loss of dignity and a whole lot of stuff I know nothing of. Her friend wanted to do something nice for her.

I listened to her story and by the time I got her to the bus stop to wait for her bus to Seattle, I had tears in my eyes. I told her, "a few years ago you did something nice for me and I'll never forget it". She had completely forgot about the call, not having a good memory, so I reminded her of it and thanked her for taking the time to make my day.

It's days like that I'm reminded of the good things in the world, in people's lives and in the goodness of God.

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