Sunday, March 30, 2008

After lunch today we went for a walk in a park where Chris had never been before. It's a beautiful park full of old redwoods and great walking trails. There's a tree house built there in honour of the 2 brothers that developed the park. Their father had left them 80 acres of land and they made it into a park and lived in a little house on the property. The tree house is built as a replica of the house they lived in. It's beautiful property and very woodsy.

It reminded me of a story my mom loves to tell of when I was little. We went for a drive through a woodsy area and we weren't really sure of where we were or where the road would take us. By "we" I mean my mom and dad. I was just a little kid. We were on an old logging road in some of the densest forest around.

In the middle of it all my mom was getting quite worried but my little evangelical brain started working overtime and all of a sudden I started singing the song...

"My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a spiritual little thing weren't you? v