Friday, March 07, 2008


Maggie is our 7 year old Whippet/Lab X we got at the pound in January 2005. I've written about her before and her issues but she really is a lovely dog. She loves her Mom's with such adoration and gratefulness, I think she understands we were her last hope on earth for a decent life.

Maggie puts up with being medicated 2x a day for her nasal problem, 1x a week for her bladder problem and now has ear drops 2x a day for a yeast infection in her ears. She doesn't come cheap but she is the easiest dog to medicate. I've medicated others and I'm here to tell you she's the best. It's like she knows what she's getting is good for her and will make her feel better.

Maggie had her first holiday in May 2005 when we were travelling up to the Cariboo to look at potential property to buy. We didn't have a place to stay so we had to book into a Motel for the night. We got a dog-friendly room and Maggie got her very own bed to jump on! Just like a real kid in a real motel room!

Maggie rolled over after testing out the linens and just grinned as if to say, "I love you guys, wow, a holiday!"

There's nothing better in Maggie's life than going to the Cottage. She absolutely loves it and puts up with the 6 hour drive to get there. She knows every rest stop, every restaurant we stop at, every gas station we fill up at. She can be sound asleep in the back of the truck and we'll know we're getting close to a rest stop when all of a sudden she lifts her head and sniffs.

At the cottage we have her Chuck-It hanging on a nail outside. It's the first place she heads once she's there. She gets to chase balls a lot there because we can give her a good run on our own property. She swims in the lake and she visits with the dog who lives by the lake.

Maggie's a loving dog with a gentle disposition. She's kind of a bull in a china shop in that she's not very gracious but she makes up for it with those big brown eyes that melt our hearts.


Anonymous said...

Her cabin days seem perfect. Space to run, jump, and play. It doesn't get much better than that. Her happiness with her own bed at the hotel was so child-like. I'm glad she's has ya'll and I'm glad ya'll have her. Perfect match.

barb said...

She is SO adorable!!!!!!!! She could melt ANYONES heart!