Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Reflections

This Easter was a little different for me. I went to Church Good Friday morning, Saturday night for Prayer vigil and Sunday Morning for a Resurrection service. Having grown up in the church I've been to my fair share of Easter services but these ones were in different denominations than what I've been used to.

Having said that I can honestly say I have never spent as much time reflecting on the cross of Jesus Christ and all that it means for us today. Forgiveness of sins and new life in Him is very precious.

Good Friday we went to church and heard the Scriptures of the events leading up to crucifixion read in different languages. It's really interesting to listen to Scripture that's familiar in English being read in Korean, Japanese, French, German, and while I could understand some of what was shared it was completely unfamiliar when an African tongue was spoken.

Saturday night I went to a prayer vigil and sat in darkness while we prayed together and reflected on the meaning of the cross. Candles were lit and blessings were said.

Sunday I went with my mom to a church she's gone to a few times on her own. The Pastor preached on the glory of the cross. The service started with a baptismal service. It was a victorious day and one could sense the excitement of those being immersed in the waters of baptism.

It was a good weekend, time well spent in the house of the Lord.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lovely Easter season celebration. I went to an Anglican Good Friday service -- mostly to enjoy a liturgical somber type morning. It was a real disappointment as it was a play, a disorganized play. I wanted to sneak out so bad. I'm glad your's was better.