Monday, March 10, 2008

Flannigen and Moses

Flan and Moses were brothers and were the best of buddies. Moses often came over to visit Flan and hang out together.

One day I was out for a walk at the park with both dogs and 2 kids and their mom walked towards me and asked if they could pat my dogs. I said they could and they asked what their names were, how old they were, etc. Flannigen and Moses. They're 3years old. Important stuff. Then we moved on.

A few weeks later I was at the same park with just Flannigen and the same 2 kids spotted me. They came running over and the first thing the little girl asked was,

"Where's Noah?"

Gotta love those little Sunday School going kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's so cute. that's something i could have said. i do that kind of stuff all the time.