Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sam, the Wonder Whippet

It wasn't long after we got Sam that we realized we had a very smart dog on our hands and that he really was quite self-sufficient. One of the things he started doing was raiding the fridge.

The first thing that happened was Christine coming home from work in the afternoon and finding the fridge door wide open. Hmmm, she wondered and asked me when I came home from work at night if I had left the door open. No, I hadn't.

This happened a few more times and we just kinda thought well the door isn't closing tightly anymore, a big gust of wind rushes through the kitchen while we're gone, anything except the obvious. Sam.

One day we decided to hook up the video camera to try and find out why the door was mysteriously coming open. It didn't take long to catch him. I set the camera up (Operation Sam) and when Christine was getting ready to back to work in the afternoon she wandered past the camera and turned it on not causing too much of a stir. She patted Sam goodbye and away she went.

Not 2 minutes later but Sam comes into the kitchen and goes over to the fridge. With one quick movement he opens the door from the bottom with his 2 front paws and shazam! the door opens!

This time he decides he's hungry and goes to town. The bottom shelf had a casserole dish full of chicken breasts cooked from the night before. After some considerable effort he pulls one out and munches it down. Then he went to the bread and the cheese and the tuna..............

We sent the video into a few places hoping to make some dough on the little guy but never got a response. I wish I could replay it here. It's hilarious. Skinny little whippet boy going on a feast.

You had to be there.


Barb Stingl said...

LOL!!!!!!! I remember you telling me about him! That is just too funny!

Anonymous said...

very clever is Sam. v