Friday, October 13, 2006

The Exercise Queen

I have never been known as someone who frequents a gym. In fact, I avoid them with a passion. My impression of gyms is that they are full of perfect little people with perfect little bodies who politely dab their foreheads with perfect little towels that match their perfect little gym outfits. When you're a big woman (not mentioning any names here) little perfect people are annoying. Big time. They get in your way at the mall when they're heading towards their little stores designed for people with petite bodies. They need to get out of my way while I'm heading to the Vertically Gifted and Horizontally Advantaged store. But enough about that...
For the past week and a half I have been to the GYM (cough, cough, sputter) for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's right people, of course it's required but I'm actually enjoying it. Some of the people are annoying and I have my own little names for them but I try to stay focussed and set my sights on the goal set before me. I also receive Physio 2x a week while in the Program. Just for the record, it's not one of THOSE Gyms, it's actually a Rehab place but...not so bad.

1 comment:

onedayatatime said...

I know, those skinny people who work out make me sick :(