Friday, October 06, 2006

It's Friday and It's Fabulous

Chris got the truck back with a splash! It's beautiful. It's hard to see all the details but it really looks sharp and we're all happy about it. The truck's going in to another shop next week for some more stuff. So much fun!

The kittens are hilarious and we're very happy we got a pair of them. They keep each other amused and wear each other out. They also like to wake up the household at oh about 4 a.m. Sleep little kittens, sleep! No, they have completely different ideas. They're getting bigger by the minute and Maggie's taking it all in stride.

I'm now going to Physio/Gym 4 hours a day. It's pretty time consuming but I'm hoping to see some positive results.

Here's to having a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woe. 4 hours of physio???? I can't imagine.