Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Guardian

Last night we went to see the movie "The Guardian" with Kevin Kostner and Ashton Kucher. Great movie. I'd recommend it. Lots of water, some real life drama, some romance, and over all worthwhile going to see especially on the big screen.

Afterwards we went to a restaurant in Richmond which formerly served good food and had good service. Somehow both of those elements were missing last night. The food was cold, one person got served the wrong thing, food had to be re-heated, waiting forever for the bill to arrive. Too bad because it used to be a great place to eat and hang out with friends.

Chris is getting her ride "pimped" this week but you can read all about it over at her blog. Pretty exciting.

Got my hair cut this morning. It's so thick it has to be thinned out every 4 weeks but since I don't usually go that often I wake up looking like a rooster in the morning.

Have a great Sunday and know that God loves you very much. He made you just the way you are.

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