Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Princess? Me?

Chris and I have been watching this show called "American Princess". Basically, the premise is that a group of American girls between 18 and 30 applied to become the first American Princess. There's a cash prize involved as well as a real title as Princess of something or other British. It's a fun show to watch as they get put through their paces learning how to walk, how to talk, how to eat with the right fork, how to socialize as a "proper" young lady. You know, all that stuff that none of us do.
That led us to a conversation about princesses. Chris had picked up a book yesterday and read that "all girls dream of becoming princesses". hmmm, not in this household.
I told Chris I have never dreamt of becoming a princess. Neither has she, although she did add a comment "I have dreamt of being Queen though".
I don't know. Are we that different from all the other girls who dream of living in castles, whisked off by their Prince Charmings? Is it because we're just basic realists who know they'll never live in a castle because they'd worry about not making the mortgage payment? Who knows?
I read a lot of people's blogs, I find them interesting and one statement that stood out to me (I forget who writes these things) was that someone wrote "I prayed my whole life for a husband". She said as long as she could remember she had wanted to find a husband.
Well, I for one not only never wanted to be a Princess, I can't relate to that statement either.
For me, I'm happy living as a child of the King. Who could ask for anything more?

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